Memoirs 93 - Tentative Programme

26th Oct 2013 -
  • 11 Am arrival @ Hotel Express In
  • 12 PM - Lunch
  • 4 PM - Visit to Sula wines , 30 KM from Nasik
  • 8 PM - Cocktail Dinner with DJ 

27th Oct 2013 -
  • 8 am Brakfast @ Hotel Express Inn
  • 10 am - Medical college Visit
  • 11 am - Function and Momento presentation. Mrs. Vasant Pawar will be invited guest for this
  • 12 pm - Lunch and disperse

For boyz who are arriving on 25th -
  • Arrival @ Hotel Express Inn at 7 PM
  • Dinner @ Undisclosed location
  • Next Day 26th Breakfast @ Hotel Express Inn


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